Thanks again for the great job you did on my website, all the time and dedication you put into it.
Thanks for your professionalism, your patience and your ability to find solutions quickly.
The result is beyond my expectations.

Jean-Francois Miaule

Un gros merci à Nicolas pour avoir réparé mon ordinateur après un disque dur planté, et surtout m'avoir permis de récupérer des fichiers non-sauvegardés. Bravo et bonne continuation.

Jean Richmond

Webmaster pour le site du mal et des douleurs de dos

Un gros merci à pour son aide rapide et efficace.
Nicolas est disponible et professionnel. Voila, tout est dit!

Sophie Duvignon - Webmaster
Le calendrier grossesse jour après jour, semaine après semaine

Nicolas est le meilleur!

Je travaille dans la puériculture, et lorsque mon serveur est tombé en panne, j'ai appelé Nicolas.
Il m'a dépanné en un temps record et a récupéré toutes mes données.

Grace à lui les bébés vont pouvoir continuer à manger leur repas chaud avec le chauffe biberon autonome pour voiture et voyage !

Voici 5 bonnes raisons de faire appel à Nicolas:
- Il est rapide et efficace
- Il est disponible
- Ses tarifs sont très raisonnables
- Il est honnête
- Il comprend très rapidement quels sont vos besoins et vos attentes

Je vous recommande ses services.

Stéphane Fromont - Webmaster - Volcany Sarl

I have been working with Nick for several years now as my web site designer and I have absolutely nothing but great to say about him.
He is fast on any updates I may need and does them in a professional manner. He is also affordable and goes out of his way to make sure my web site is always up and running.
If you need a web site I would definitely recommend Nick.

Randy Routier  

Definitely ask Nick!!!

Within 30 minutes, Nick solved issues that two other computer “whizzes” could not…and saved me money by returning unnecessary hardware they had installed.
Nick is patient, professional and efficient…it’s a joy to work with him. And, it was money well-spent to know that my system is secure.
I sleep much better knowing Nick is there to call upon when things “go down.”

B. Lerch, president, The B Company    

I had exhausted myself and friends trying to get my computer running normal again.
There was a problem that was extremely difficult to detect.
I met Nicolas and within a very short time my problem was solved.
He was dependabe,very knowledgeable, patient, and followed up with care.
I am so fortunate to have found him- I recommend him
to anyone who needs computer help!!!!!

Trisha King    

My computer crashed permanently with all my financial records for our trucking company and our ranch. Nicolas saved my life by restoring the computer AND retrieving the files which I had thought to be forever lost.
He set up an entire system for me that is very efficient and is actually better than any I could put together.

Paula Richter    

I had very little experience with computers and Nicolas not only got the computer we owned restored, he gave me some valuable advice on a more efficient way of operating the machine.
I would defiinitely recommend his company for expert, honest advice and professional workmanship.

Becky Holsti    

From the days when Nick first worked with us as a Management Assistant in the early 'nineties, and to this day, we know we can rely on him for accurate and unbiased advice on all hardware, software and internet issues.
He never gives up and he has one specialty: Solutions!

Management Team, Advanced Linguistic Services, Berkeley, CA     

Je voulais un site qui ait "du chien", du rythme et qui soit évolutif.
Avec sa créativité et son professionnalisme, Nicolas a totalement répondu à mes attentes.
Bravo et merci

M.M.,, Paris, France    

Incroyable !

Nicolas a su installer mon PC de A à Z avec une assistance permanente.
Le moindre problème a été réglé dans la minute qui suivait, je peux compter sur lui à n’importe quel moment.

Un jargon et une technique barbare simplifiés pour un novice.

Jean-François Herry